Sacramento County Republican Party

Thank you for supporting the all-volunteer SacCountyGOP! Your recurring donations give us resources we can count on as we do the work to inform Republican voters and elect our endorsed candidates. Any amount is appreciated, but we hope you will consider making a monthly or quarterly gift of $76 and join the 1776 Club!

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Contributions to the Sacramento County Republican Party are not tax deductible for federal or California tax purposes. Individuals, federal PACs, and unincorporated associations may contribute up to $10,000 per contributor per calendar year (husband and wives are considered separate contributors). Corporate contributions will be used in California state elections. These contributions may be made in any amount. Individual contributions will be used in both federal and California state elections and may also be made in any amount. The first $10,000 received per individual per calendar year (husband and wives counted separately) will be used for federal elections. The next $10,000 received from an individual or business entity will be placed in the Sacramento County Republican Party “Levin Account” and will be used for “federal election activity.” Additional contributions to the state committee are unlimited, and may be allocated as follows: up to $40,000 (starting 01/01/2017) per calendar year for direct state candidate support, with amounts in excess used for permissible non-direct candidate support purposes. Federal and California law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each donor whose contributions aggregate $100 or more per calendar year. Contributors of $10,000 or more to the Sacramento County Republican Party and all other state or local candidates, PACs, political party committees or ballot measures in a calendar year must file a California “Major Donor Committee” report. Sacramento County Republican Party does not solicit and cannot accept contributions in excess of applicable limits or from prohibited sources. Corporate and general PAC contributions are permissible. Foreign nationals are prohibited from making contributions, unless they have permanent residency status in the United States of America (a Green Card). Federal law prohibits reimbursing donors for their contributions. Sacramento County Republican Party does not accept any contribution that is earmarked for a specific candidate, and will return any such earmarked contribution. Please contact our accounting and compliance team if you have any questions 916-476-6926.


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