Do you think Rosiary Lehmberg should be in charge of millions of dollars and the State of Texas' "Public Integrity Unit"?

Former Governor Rick Perry didn't think so, either. And instead of Rosiary doing the honorable thing by stepping down after a humiliating drunk driving arrest and aggressive behavior behind bars ... she stayed in office. And continued to prosecute drunk drivers.

But it didn't stop there: Her office appointed a special prosecutor to go after her critics. Her cohorts at the Travis County District Court indicted our Governor for simply discussing the use of his veto authority to riove funding for the Public Integrity Unit (which is headquarted in Austin).

Texans won't stand for this kind of political gamianship!

Since Texas has no recall provision, and she is not running for re-election, the best way to counter this injustice is for Travis County residents to organize and do the very hard work needed to defeat her hand-picked successor at the ballot box in Noviber 2016.

The Travis County GOP works hard to provide an alternative to the Austin establishment.

Please donate $100, $50, $25 or $10 to the Travis County Republican Party so we can stop this kind of abuse from happening.

UPDATE: HB 1690, moving the Public Integrity Unit out of Travis County and to the Texas Rangers, was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott! Help TCRP finish the job by putting a Republican in the DA's office in 2016!

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